Please don’t assume. It makes an ass out of you and me. Jul 13, 2020

Speak as you find

It’s funny how we can build up a profile of someone in our head before we’ve even met them. Maybe someone is going to...

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Why we find some people SO annoying! May 18, 2020

To do or not to do…

With Lockdown easing there comes a change in behaviour. After seven weeks, people were bound to begin to feel a bit...

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Why taking responsibility for the part you play in a relationship, means your sanity stays intact Mar 02, 2020

Same place, different map

An interesting thing happened recently which illustrated personal responsibility, values, Mental Maps, Beachball and all...

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The excuses we give in life which ultimately mean we can’t be bothered… Dec 09, 2019

‘If you’re not early, you’re late’

Is punctuality a challenge for you? Perhaps you constantly find yourself arriving five...

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Advice for a younger self Aug 19, 2019

Friday lunchtime musings

The average lifetime in the Western world is said to be around 80 years so if asked to guestimate how many days that...

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Quoting a clever POTUS Jul 29, 2019

Never judge a book by its cover
Growing up, I was always told never to judge a book by its cover – to not make assumptions about someone, to...

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Why seeing change as negative, stops us embracing the positives Jul 22, 2019

Happy holibobs?
The school term has finished for many and we're almost there for the rest. It’s summer holiday time! Carefree fun with no...

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How your values set you apart from everyone else Jun 17, 2019

It’s amazing how a film can evoke such strong emotions in you… My husband and I sat down to watch the next instalment of the oh-so...

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