Transform your thinking, change your results - personally and professionally
The Winning Edge Experience for Individuals
Book NowTransform your results by challenging the way you're currently thinking
This Winning Edge LIVE event delivers strategies to help you become highly effective and resilient during challenging times and beyond.
You will not attract the results you want from working yourself into the ground, doubting your ability, procrastinating and having an unrealistic expectation of yourself or others.
The human brain focuses on exactly what you tell it and it looks for the evidence to prove you right. So, when you fuel your mind with self-limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fear of failure and so forth, even unintentionally so, the path to reaching your goals will be slow and disheartening. Your vision and goals will drift.
Our game-changing Winning Edge framework has been carefully crafted to enable you to quickly pinpoint, navigate around and overcome the underlying issue standing in the way of where you are today and where you want to be.
The course helps you improve your judgement and identify opportunities for personal and professional growth. It channels you to explore and discover your purpose - your 'why' - so your goals are powered by desire, belief and discipline. As Jim Rohn once said:
"The stronger the why, the easier the how becomes."
Reset your mindset and thrive
When you apply the proven strategies, you will dramatically shift your current plan of action, to one that's intentional and robust, with the accountability and know-how to make it happen with great value and impact. This clarity lifts a great weight from your shoulders, reducing stress and anxiety, helping you clearly see what action is to be taken when and how, with a success-orientated, laser-focused and resourceful approach.
You will get to delve deep into the common thread that runs through all human behaviour, which when positively applied, promotes authentic and deeper connections with others. Whether you are looking to gain stronger relationships, seek better ways of working with others or manage a difficult relationship, this framework will deliver the strategies from which you'll benefit immensely, both personally and professionally.
In addition, you will learn the invaluable steps to crafting an unshakable self-image; by learning how to reframe your thinking, you will be able to welcome success in abundance because you're the kind of person who deserves it. So many people reject and push away incredible opportunities, due to listening to their inner critic, or allowing the opinions of influential people, to form a roadmap to what's possible in their life. But no more.
Adopting these all-important techniques will instil a deeper sense of purpose, self-belief and self-worth enabling you to uplevel your mental game, transform your results and thrive.
We will never give ourselves permission to achieve what we want in life if we don't have a strong sense of self-belief and self-worth.
In the words of our course participants...

"It quickly became apparent that Winning Edge was unlike any other course of its kind I had previously been on. As expected the focus was on achieving goals, where things differed was that they took an interest in the individual, what made me ‘tick’, my aspirations, values & personal beliefs. Then they addressed our goals, personal & professional, from that perspective.
Throughout the course, they applied their concepts to my behaviours and ambitions helping me understand that my core values have to be aligned with my goals. For me to take responsibility for my own goals and how I achieve them whilst interacting with the wider world positively, and not placing that responsibility on anyone else. It helped me enormously within my job at the time and with many other aspects of my personal life.
Thank you, Winning Edge, for making me more aware of myself, my values and how to motivate myself to achieve my aims and goals in life. I can't rate the course highly enough."
Greg Niven, MD, Headline Audio

"Winning Edge just makes me look at things from different angles, think about why people may have done/not done something; and understand human nature more; my way is not the only way."
Andy Batchelor, Account Manager

"It has helped me to understand how the way I think affects my emotions and behaviour, which ultimately leads to the results I achieve. I am in control of the way that I feel and react. Fantastic course."
Amanda Jeewoth, Director, Specsavers

"Rooted in sound research but also relatable and instantly applicable. Great focus and energy, top-notch facilitation from Kirsty, who is authentic and credible."
Claire Sutherland, Director
"If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got."
Henry Ford
How to book your Winning Edge LIVE Experience
* Registration does not include accommodation
Have any questions or concerns about the course? Please contact us on +44 (0)203 336 3144 or email us: [email protected]
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