Reset your thinking

Gain clarity and focus

Change your life
Do these thoughts resonate with you?
"I always admire others for knowing exactly what they want in life, for me, I just seem to bounce from pillar to post, with no direction."
"I know what I want in life but I keep procrastinating and letting fear step in the way of me progressing and making it happen."
"I've been offered an exciting opportunity, almost too good to be true. However, I just can't shift this feeling that I'm not ready or good enough."
You're not alone.
The stories we will tell ourselves when our thinking isn't in check will put serious barriers in the way of reaching our life goals or even knowing what we want. When these unhelpful thoughts and limiting beliefs are not challenged, they can manifest and quickly form a template - a guide - on what we believe we should or shouldn't be doing and what we believe we are or are not capable of, regardless of how much, deep down, we want it.
That's because the human brain believes exactly what you tell it and it looks for the data available to prove you right. So, if you have fueled your mind with fears, self-limiting beliefs and self-doubts, even unintentionally so for many years, you'll have created a self-fulfilling prophecy - your reality - through that filter.
It's these very thoughts that influence the types of choices and decisions you make in everyday life.
The Mindset Coaching Membership delivers monthly Masterclass Teachings + Coaching + Accountability to equip you with what you need to reset and regain control of your thinking, so you can become the person you want to be and create the life you want to live - with more clarity and confidence.
Join TodayThe single most important thing standing between where you are today and where you want to be, is your thinking.
Hi, I'm Kirsty
Co-founder and Head Coach of the Mindset Coaching Membership, Director of The Winning Edge and twice TEDx Speaker.
Having studied psychology and been immersed in the proven mindset coaching tools and neuroscience from an early age, I have a genuine desire and enthusiasm to teach individuals the mindset tools and strategies to break through the overwhelm and self-limiting beliefs to get results.
Whether you're looking for clarity on what you want in life, to tame your inner critic, or have the accountability to reach your goals and feel more in control... I can help you.
Our Mindset Coaching Membership, a product of the highly-acclaimed Winning Edge courses has been specifically designed to ensure the monthly Masterclass teachings + coaching + accountability stick, so you can take positive action towards cultivating what you truly desire and deserve with success.

Before I started my monthly coaching with Kirsty I was all over the place, having ideas and goals but not knowing where to start, feeling drowned by the weight of my challenges and sometimes not knowing why I was doing what I was doing.
Working with Kirsty was truly a godsend for me! Kirsty helped me tap into my inner strength and mind mapping power which enabled me to look at my core values and engage my true potential. Every month I eagerly looked forward to the coaching session, knowing I had this not only made me accountable for my actions but provided me with monthly analysis to stay on track and dig a little deeper.
Rakesh Chandegra
What is the Mindset Coaching Membership?
The Mindset Coaching Membership consists of the following key components...plus a whole lot more!
Monthly Teachings +
Managing your thoughts
Let's face it, life's busy and most of us are short on time. That's why instant access to the proven tools and strategies are crucial for managing your thoughts and any self-limiting beliefs, so you feel more in control of any challenge that may arise when you need it most.
Monthly Coaching +
Better Together
It can be hard to identify why you're not getting the results you want and sometimes that extra guidance and support is just what you need. Our coaching helps you apply the learning to real-life situations, unpicking the challenge together so you can move forward with focus and purpose.
Reach your goals - faster!
Get laser-focused on how to structure and plan your goals effectively. Accountability will provide the supportive steer needed to bypass procrastination and overwhelm, so you remain focused on what's important in the here and now.
Success stories

"I can’t express enough how much I’m getting from our time together - it’s so much more revolutionary than I could have even imagined! Kirsty - you ROCK!"

"Kirsty helped me focus and break through my own barriers"
❝ Procrastination, fear of failure or success, how to implement my ideas and channel my energy into a positive business outcome was a continual worry. It felt like I couldn’t break this endless spiral of self-sabotage. Kirsty helped me focus and break through my own barriers to create an exciting new experience and a successful business as well! ❞
Dianne Kemp, Dianne Kemp Interiors

"Gave me clarity and focus to know what I really wanted out of life"
❝ After extended maternity leave, I kept putting off relaunching my business. Kirsty helped me reflect on my core values which gave me clarity and focus to know what I really wanted out of life. My self-belief and sense of self-worth have improved hugely as a result. ❞

"Kirsty helped me to find my wings and the courage in myself to achieve what I want"
❝ I came to her in a pretty chaotic state and now feel really encouraged and better prepared to navigate through life. What an amazing gift! ❞
Keren Swanepoel
❝ We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. ❞
Swami Vivekananda
Master the skills and make a plan...

Click the button below to select your preferred membership package.

Check your inbox for the welcome email confirming your order.

Gain instant access to your first Masterclass teaching!
This membership is for you if...
✔ You're ready to take control and kick self-limiting beliefs to the kerb.
✔ You wish you knew what you really wanted, to live your best life on purpose every day.
✔ You wish you dared to dream big and had the courage and discipline to see it through.
✔ You want to stop hiding and step out of your comfort zone, with access to coaching and accountability to keep you on track.
✔ You want to learn the strategies to promptly bounce back when the chips are down.
✔ You want to connect with like-minded people, who will support you every step of the way to reaching your goals.
✔ You want a coach that'll help you find the blind spots in your thinking - what's holding you back - so you work through them and begin attracting the results you want.
✔ You no longer want to teeter on the edge of your dreams, you want to go all in and make it happen!
Inside the Mindset Coaching Membership, you will master the skills needed to manage your thoughts to create more of what you want in life, with less stress and self-doubt. We are here to support you every step of the way!
Choose your Mindset Coaching Membership Package

As a member, you will gain full access to the following:
✔ Mindset Masterclasses with video training, podcasts and step-by-step guides, released monthly, to help you live your life intentionally.
✔ Group Coaching Sessions to receive a deeper insight on how to apply the Masterclass teachings to a specific challenge you may be experiencing with our Head Coach, Kirsty.
✔ Members Only Q&A Podcast where you can submit a mindset coaching question and receive the response as an audio file to listen to as and when you need it most.
✔ Accountability Checklists to help you to remain focused and on track with consuming the learning resources available to you, so you can achieve your life goals with clarity and confidence.
✔ Private Community to connect, learn and thrive alongside your fellow like-minded members.
✔ Workbooks & Templates to implement the teachings, so you get quicker results.
✔ LIVE Workshops delivered bi-monthly, to walk you through the key principles of a Masterclass teaching and answer any questions you may have.