How to halt the runaway train of emotions May 23, 2022

Ups and downs

Last week, I didn’t feel so great. I felt low, blue, lethargic and I didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t want to...

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Why nothing changes, if nothing changes May 09, 2022

The buck stops with you

People can easily get bored with a whinger- someone who constantly bemoans the lot they’ve been ‘dealt’...

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Why the humble beach ball is the key to understanding others Apr 25, 2022

When fools rush in

You’ve no doubt heard the phrase: Great minds think alike. It’s usually said as a follow-up when two or more people...

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Why thinking about the way you think affects all results in your life. Apr 11, 2022

Richard Jackson MBE- founder and co-architect of The Winning Edge, has put pen to paper, or rather fingers to the keyboard, to bring you this...

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Why leading from stature rather than status creates a team who want to help YOU achieve Apr 04, 2022

We’re all in this together

Eisenhower once described leadership as: “The art of getting someone else to do something you want done...

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Why your attitude to the passing of time will either keep you stuck, or propel you forward Mar 28, 2022

Age is but a number…

As this Blog goes live, it will be my Birthday. I am one year off half a century. Does this concern me? No. A friend...

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5 top tips to banish self-limiting beliefs and improve your self-esteem. Mar 21, 2022

What you think about isn’t nearly as important as the way you think about what you think about

Why is it when we’re facing a challenge...

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Why an attitude of gratitude can give you some perspective. Mar 14, 2022

 Gratitude shouldn't be a platitude

The war in Ukraine continues. As I write this, we are well into the third week and the devastation,...

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