You are who you are. Or are you? Can you really change you if you want to? Jun 14, 2021

Genetics vs environment

The nature vs nurture debate continues. Are we like we are due to genetics, or due to environmental factors?  And...

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What do we need in the mindset toolkit to enable our self-worth to flourish? Apr 19, 2021

If I had a hammer

As parents, carers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and godparents, there is so much we can give the young people in our lives, but...

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The 12 Days of Christmas – the gifts I give to me… Dec 07, 2020
You can listen to the audio version of this blog via Spotify.

Christmas is supposed to be a time of great joy, happiness and celebration....

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Why realising we can change our self-image if we want to, means we can take our life in any direction we choose to. Mar 09, 2020

Apart from a few propensities we’re born with, a lot of what we’re like as children is down to the influences around us – our...

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